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The Grass Skirt has moved!

May 20, 2011

It’s official.  The Grass Skirt has a new home and a new look!

Effective immediately, I’ll no longer be publishing to this location.  Please update your bookmarks and subscriptions accordingly.

See you here:

(PS- It may take a few hours for the new design to show up through your server.)

Speed Eater

May 19, 2011

Last night, I had one of the best salads that I’ve had in awhile.

Unfortunately, I scarfed it down way too quickly and didn’t have time to really savor it since Michael and I had plans to go out.

It actually felt as though someone was hovering over us with a stopwatch as we ate!

Shot before I remembered to add the onions!

Speedy Salad

(Lightly adapted from Hungry Girl)

3 cups chopped romaine lettuce
1/4 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
1/2 cucumber, chopped
2 Gardein Chicken Tenders (Grilled chicken, eggs, tempeh, tofu, or fish would work too)
1/4 cup chopped red onion
5 black olives, sliced
1/4 cup canned beets, drained and chopped
2 tbsp. canned black beans, drained and rinsed
2 tbsp. canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 tbsp. sweet corn kernels, removed from the cob
1 tbsp. nutritional yeast (cheese would work too)
Dash black pepper and sea salt

Place all ingredients in a bowl and toss well to mix. Enjoy! (Makes one serving)


I’ll definitely make this again soon, especially since it is so simple. And next time, I’ll eat it in slow motion.

After we inhaled our dinner, Michael and I headed out to a charity event at Grapevine in Baxter Village.

I usually have a snack an hour or so after dinner, but last night, my snack was sangria. 😉

(Me with Katie)

(Brittney and her husband Greg)

(Jen and Sara)

(Me with Kelly)

It was a very fun night with lots of great people!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to sign off to eat my breakfast… very slowly….

Do you eat quickly or do you savor your meals?  I am trying to be better about putting my fork down between bites and really trying to focus on the meal.  It isn’t always easy though!

Happy Thursday!

(PS- This is the last day to enter my Follow Your Heart Giveaway!)

How I kicked my diet soda habit

May 18, 2011

Back in my teens and early 20s, I consumed massive amounts of diet soda.  I’d go through can after can without a care in the world.

Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry, even though it made me burp like a maniac, was my very favorite soft drink.   To my delight, I had free access to it ALL day long at work.  I’d constantly pass the water cooler and head straight to that soda machine.

Cracking open a nice cold soda was the best part of my day.


After drinking approximately a million and one cans of diet soda, I started to wonder what was really in those cans, aside from burp-inducing bubbles.  After wondering, I was actually brave enough to look.

What I found was a long list of artificial this and artificial that and words I sure as heck couldn’t pronounce. Where do grocery stores keep the Red 40 anyway?  Is it next to the broccoli?

Didn’t think so.

After reading the labels, I confirmed what I already assumed to be true:  I’d been washing back my healthy greens with cans of carbonated artificial junk.

This fact was very disturbing to me, and I vowed to break my habit.  It wasn’t easy, but eventually, I kicked my soda dependency.

  • Rather than quitting cold turkey, I cut myself down to one can a day, which I’d drink at 3 pm.  It gave me something to look forward to during the work day.  Soon after implementing the 3 pm soda fix, I discovered Hansen’s soda.  Behold a non-terrifying ingredient list!  Before long, my 3 pm soda break consisted of Hansen’s rather than the other stuff.

  • All of the other sodas I used to drink throughout the day were replaced with ice water. Just to make it special, I bought myself a pretty water bottle and carried it with me everywhere (kind of like Paris Hilton and her chihuahua).
  • Since plain old water can be…well…plain, I sliced cucumbers, lemons, strawberries, limes, and oranges and added them to my glasses from time to time (not all at once though).  Sometimes I’d even throw in some fresh mint.  Doing this actually started to feel luxurious.  The only thing missing was a spa.
  • Coconut water and aloe vera juice came into my life.  They are both so hydrating, and even though the taste may take some getting used to for some, I really enjoy the flavors.
  • I stopped adding sugar free flavored powders to my water.  As far as I’m concerned, they are every bit as scary as soda.
  • I told myself that I could have diet soda occasionally.  There are rare times when I’ll order a glass of Diet Coke at a restaurant, but I actually prefer water now.  I never dreamed I’d see that day!

Even if soda isn’t your vice, these tips can be applied to most any habit that you need to break. All you have to do is cut down slowly, find a replacement, and allow yourself a free pass every now and then. (Unless your habit is eating crayons, in which case, you should just stop.)

Cutting down on my soda consumption has actually given me more energy.  It has even helped to keep me more regular.  Hey, I’ve already mentioned burping.  Might as well toss regularity in there too.

What are your thoughts on soda?  Have you stopped drinking it, or do you drink it regularly?  I’d love to do a follow-up post with your tips (I’ll cite your blog, if you have one), so feel free to email them to me at

(Remember to enter my GIVEAWAY.  Two winners will be announced on Friday!)

Have a great day!